Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Shameless Publicity

Check out our yarn giveaway at our friend Olof's blog We are thankful to Olof for displaying our product and we think she did a great job on this toy. Great pattern from the Itty-Bitty Toys book from Susan B Anderson.

Now here's the deal, Olof is giving away four skeins of our yarn, so read her whole post. If you stop at the top, you will miss out on this sweet deal. Read the giveaway details and post your comment on her site. We do not want to confuse you, so get there and read it yourself. Contest is open until Midnight Oct 3, 2010.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Someone is Happy about the Fiber Fair!

Ok, really it was everyone, not just this Alpaca.

We are excited to share some of the memories from the 2010 Scotts Bluff Valley Fiber Arts Fair! The event was held Sept 18-19 at the Mitchell County Fair Grounds in Mitchell, NE. If you weren't able to join us for this fabulous event, here are some of the highlights:

Weaving class was a blast

On Friday, we held eight classes including, beginning, intermediate, advanced weaving, Fair Isle, Entrelac, Beginning and Endings, Color work, embroidery, to name a few. The classes were attended by 64 students and taught by eight knowledgeable and passionate instructors. Here are a few shots of classes in progress.

You have to spin it before you can knit it right?

Local fiber artists demonstrated their skills and inspired us to try new things. Some of the demonstrations included knitting, crochet, knitting spool, spinning, weaving, etc.

There were samples of people's finest work on display and for sale.

At the Fiber Fair, vendors from around the region displayed their yarn, products and garments. We had special guest appearances by the wonderful animals which grow the fibers we adore: sheep, alpaca, goats, and angora rabbits. It was truly a day to indulge the senses!

Machines doing what we learned to do by hand!

Saturday was packed full of fun events! We hosted tours of the mill throughout the day. Visitors were able to get a peek into the inner workings of Brown Sheep Co, browse through the store and get hands-on with our product.

Recap: Be here next year, it is a very fun event. And...get the newest generation of fiber arts specialists in on the action!

Knitting spools in use, wish I had taken that class!

If you attended this event and would like to send us a photo of something you made or leave a comment please do so here or visit our Facebook page

We would love to see what you do with Brown Sheep Co!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Second Annual Scotts Bluff Valley Fiber Fair!

Check out our booth at the Fiber Fair! Well, this picture is the closest you will get now because we are DONE with this years exciting event. It was pretty awesome, and if you were not there, we sure hope you can be there next year for the third annual fair. We'll update the blog with more pictures as we get them in.